Faith Richardson

Kindle Health
at Fox Song Farm

Kindle Health
KH offers health & wellness counseling/coaching, educational materials, and select project-based health and wellness promotion events in a farm environment at Fox Song Farm. A special focus includes responses to ageing and life/career transitions and chronic health challenges.
Dr Faith Richardson is an ecotherapist with an advanced nursing practice background who responds to clients from a person-centered counseling/coaching perspective. As a credentialed provider, Faith offers techniques from HeartMathTM, Applied Kinesiology (PSYCH-KTM), and Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW-CAN). Faith's rich experience in creative writing and coursework in therapeutic use of arts brings a deep regard for creative and expressive arts in healing through SoulCollageTM, TimeSlipsTM, reflective journaling and word/image play.
Dr. Richardson is now a semi-retired provider and offers sessions on a limited basis. Kindle Health friends and colleagues offer counseling, coaching, and education in:
Positive ageing, including perimenopause and other life transitions
Pain, chronic disease, and health & wellness challenges
Reawakening Purpose and Passion in life and career
Self-management support coaching in chronic health challenges
Stress management and chronic disease prevention
Self-limiting beliefs affecting life and family, education, career
Professional, career 'burn out' and care/compassion fatigue
Learning barriers, including math anxiety
Communication (including human resource concerns in organizations)
Creative arts and writer's block
Dementia care and family concerns (through our colleague Nadine Jans, Clinical Counsellor, UptimizeYourLife)
I help people re-kindle their joy.

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