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Kindle Health

at Fox Song Farm 

Kindle Health

KH offers health & wellness counseling/coaching, educational materials, and select project-based health and wellness promotion events in a farm environment at Fox Song Farm. A special focus includes responses to ageing and life/career transitions and chronic health challenges.


Dr Faith Richardson is an ecotherapist with an advanced nursing practice background who responds to clients from a person-centered counseling/coaching perspective. As a credentialed provider, Faith offers techniques from HeartMathTM, Applied Kinesiology (PSYCH-KTM), and Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW-CAN). Faith's rich experience in creative writing and coursework in therapeutic use of arts brings a deep regard for creative and expressive arts in healing through SoulCollageTM, TimeSlipsTM, reflective journaling and word/image play.


Dr. Richardson is now a semi-retired provider and offers sessions on a limited basis. Kindle Health friends and colleagues offer counseling, coaching, and education in:

  • Positive ageing, including perimenopause and other life transitions

  • Pain, chronic disease, and health & wellness challenges

  • Reawakening Purpose and Passion in life and career

  • Self-management support coaching in chronic health challenges

  • Stress management and chronic disease prevention

  • Self-limiting beliefs affecting life and family, education, career

  • Professional, career 'burn out' and care/compassion fatigue

  • Learning barriers, including math anxiety

  • Communication (including human resource concerns in organizations)

  • Creative arts and writer's block

  • Dementia care and family concerns (through our colleague Nadine Jans, Clinical Counsellor, UptimizeYourLife)


I help people re-kindle their joy.
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