Faith Richardson
Fox Song Farm ... Come home to your herd

About FSF ...
Fox Song Farm is a small farm in the beautiful Alberni Valley on Vancouver Island. We acknowledge that we live on the traditional homelands of the Hupacasath and Tseshaht First Nations and we seek to live in harmony with the people and the land. The Alberni Valley is a rain forest known for its large trees, intricate mosses and ferns, and frequently-sighted wildlife, such as deer, raven, eagles, and black bear. Fox Song Farm has a huge 800-plus year old Douglas fir at the entrance of the property, a seasonal creek with a history of fingerling Coho salmon, and tiny pockets of natural wilderness. We are rich with a wide variety of birds that migrate through the seasons. We've even seen one solitary beaver, for a true Canadian experience!
FSF is dedicated to promoting well being in a natural environment supporting life in many diverse forms. Fox Song Farm is associated with Fox Song Books, connected through creative, whole-person, inspirational perspectives.
Fox Song Farm is home to horses, chickens, and goats, many of whom have found a sanctuary here after lives in commercial venues. Fox Song Farm promotes a natural living environment, balanced with safety for both creatures and humans. We garden year-round but non-intensively, supporting pollinators and utilizing organic methods.
Kindle Health at Fox Song Farm has seasonally offered private sessions by appointment for individuals, including counseling/coaching services provided from an ecotherapy perspective, held outdoors in or around animals and trees. The Covid pandemic caused us to rethink services and we have limited our availability. Our seasonal offerings have included:
HeartMath® coaching/mentoring for stress management and overall wellbeing
Equine-facilitated wellness and equine-guided development individual sessions
Applied kinesiology (PSYCH-K) counseling and coaching 'jumpstart change' sessions
Ecotherapy (Life coaching/counseling) individual sessions for regrouping, dealing with grief, life-transitions, creative blocks
In reality, sessions flow between all of these modalities, to fit individual preferences and immediate needs!
We continue to develop courses that promote learning from an ecotherapy mindfulness approach. Currently two of these courses (Calculations for Caregivers, level one and two) are being delivered digitally through this website (under Kindle College Tutoring & CE). Another course, Colored Ponies, Learning your Communication Style, is being offered locally on a limited basis.
Other courses are 'in the works' including the long-planned 365Ecotherapist ... a daily nature-based experience from Fox Song Farm.
We are excited about our evolving approach to promoting health and wellbeing! Stay tuned!